Warranty Virtual Coming Soon!


Gary Serbousek

Gary Serbousek

Senior Product Manager | Mize

Gary Serbousek has over 15 years of experience related to warranty and service software for several different verticals in including automotive, heavy equipment, consumer electronics and home. Much of that time has been focused on building software to reduce warranty costs, increase product quality, and have happy customers. As a senior product manager for Mize he is responsible for understanding customer needs and providing direction for adding new innovations to the Mize Smart Blox technology.  In addition, Serbousek has a total of over 30 years’ experience working in the software industry in various roles involved in the coding, marketing and selling of cutting-edge software.   

A connected global Warranty system generates a tangible and immediate ROI by reducing warranty costs, streamlining processes, and improving quality.
Session Archive

How to Make a Business Case for a Global Warranty System

December 3, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PT)

Making a Business Case for a New Warranty System is difficult for many organizations despite... More Info